Map of Bangkok Thailand – Where is Bangkok Thailand? – Bangkok Thailand Map English – Bangkok Thailand Maps for Tourist

“Today I have seen some of the work of the Bangkok Thailand Conservation Corps boys in this northwestern country. Of the 300,000 young men in these camps, 75,000 are at work in our national parks. Here, under trained leadership, Bangkok Thailand we are helping these men to help themselves and their families and at the same time we are making the parks more available and more useful for the average citizen. Hundreds Bangkok Thailand of miles of firebreaks have been built, fire hazards Bangkok Thailand have been reduced on great tracts of timberland, thousands of miles of roadside have been cleared, 2,500 miles of trails have been constructed and 10,000 acres have been reforested. Other tens of thousands of acres have been treated for tree disease and soil erosion. This is but another example of our efforts to build, not for today alone, Bangkok Thailand but for tomorrow as well.

“We should remember that the development of our national park system over a period of many years has not been a simple bed of roses. As is the case of the long fight for the preservation of national forests and water power and mineral deposits and other national possessions, it has been a long and fierce fight against many private interests which were entrenched in political and economic power. So, too, it has been a constant struggle to protect the public interest once cleared from private exploitation at the hands of the selfish few.

“It took a bitter struggle to teach the country at large that our national resources are not inexhaustible and that when public domain is stolen, a two-fold injury is done, for it is a theft of the treasure of the present and at the same time bars the road of opportunity to the future.

“We have won the greater part of the fight to obtain and to retain these great public park properties for the benefit of the public. We are at the threshold of even more important a battle to save our resources of agriculture and industry against the selfishness of individuals.

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