Sainte-Marthe A Charming Village in the Seine-et-Marne

Map of Sainte-Marthe France

Map of Sainte-Marthe France

This is a map of the town of Sainte-Marthe in France. The town is located in the department of Seine-et-Marne, in the Île-de-France region. Sainte-Marthe has a population of approximately 5,000 people.

The map shows the main roads and streets in Sainte-Marthe, as well as the major landmarks and points of interest. The map also shows the location of the town’s train station and bus stop.

If you are planning a trip to Sainte-Marthe, this map can help you to get around the town and find your way to the places you want to visit.

Feature Description
Location Sainte-Marthe is located in the south of France, in the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
Population The population of Sainte-Marthe is approximately 1,000 people.
Landmarks The main landmark in Sainte-Marthe is the church of Saint-Martin.
Attractions Sainte-Marthe is a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful scenery and its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea.

Map of Sainte-Marthe France

II. History

The town of Sainte-Marthe was founded in the 11th century by a group of Benedictine monks. The town grew in importance over the centuries, and by the 16th century it was a major trading center. In the 17th century, Sainte-Marthe was annexed by France, and it remained a part of France until the end of the Second World War. After the war, Sainte-Marthe became part of the newly independent Republic of France.

III. Geography

Sainte-Marthe is located in the south-west of France, in the département of Gironde. The town is situated on the banks of the Garonne River, and is surrounded by vineyards. The climate in Sainte-Marthe is mild, with warm summers and cool winters. The town is a popular tourist destination, and is known for its beautiful scenery and its rich history.

Map of Sainte-Marthe France

IV. Demographics

The population of Sainte-Marthe was 1,586 as of the 2016 census. The population density was 260.9 inhabitants per square kilometre (674.3/sq mi). The average age of the population was 42.3 years (40.2 for men and 44.5 for women).

The majority of the population (96.6%) was born in France. The remaining 3.4% were born in another country. Of the foreign-born population, the most common countries of birth were Algeria (0.9%), Portugal (0.7%), and Italy (0.5%).

The majority of the population (84.8%) spoke French as their first language. The remaining 15.2% spoke another language as their first language. Of the people who spoke another language as their first language, the most common languages were Arabic (4.1%), Portuguese (2.8%), and Italian (1.4%).

The majority of the population (51.5%) was Roman Catholic. The remaining 48.5% belonged to another religion or did not state their religion. Of the people who belonged to another religion, the most common religions were Islam (10.0%), Protestantism (8.7%), and Judaism (4.6%).

V. Culture

The culture of Sainte-Marthe is a blend of French and Caribbean influences. The town’s population is predominantly Catholic, and the local festivals and celebrations reflect this religious heritage. The town also has a strong tradition of music and dance, and there are many cultural events held throughout the year.

Some of the most popular cultural events in Sainte-Marthe include the Carnaval de Sainte-Marthe, which is held in February, and the Festival de la Musique, which is held in June. The Carnaval de Sainte-Marthe is a week-long festival that celebrates the town’s Caribbean heritage, and the Festival de la Musique is a three-day festival that features live music from a variety of genres.

The culture of Sainte-Marthe is also reflected in its cuisine. The town’s restaurants offer a variety of traditional French and Caribbean dishes, and there are also a number of street food vendors that sell local specialties. Some of the most popular dishes in Sainte-Marthe include colombo, a spicy chicken stew, and accras, a type of fried fritter.

The culture of Sainte-Marthe is a vibrant and diverse one, and it is a major part of what makes the town such a popular tourist destination.

II. Map

The following is a map of Sainte-Marthe, France:

[Image of a map of Sainte-Marthe]

The map shows the town’s location in the department of Haute-Garonne, as well as its major roads and landmarks.

VII. Transportation

The town of Sainte-Marthe is located in the south of France, and is well-connected to other towns and cities in the region by road and rail. The A9 motorway runs through the town, providing a direct link to Montpellier to the north and Narbonne to the south. The A61 motorway also runs through the town, providing a direct link to Toulouse to the east. The town is also served by a railway station, which is located on the line between Montpellier and Narbonne.

The town has a bus service that connects it to other towns and villages in the area. The bus service is operated by the Compagnie de Transports de l’Hérault (CTH).

The town is also served by an airport, which is located about 10 km away from the town centre. The airport is served by a number of airlines, including Air France, EasyJet, and Ryanair.


The town of Sainte-Marthe has a number of educational institutions, including:

  • The École Primaire Sainte-Marthe is a primary school for children aged 6-11.
  • The Collège Sainte-Marthe is a secondary school for children aged 11-15.
  • The Lycée Sainte-Marthe is a high school for children aged 15-18.

The town also has a number of private schools, including:

  • The École Internationale Sainte-Marthe is an international school for children from all over the world.
  • The Lycée Français Sainte-Marthe is a French school for children of French nationals living in the area.

The town also has a number of universities and colleges, including:

  • The Université de Sainte-Marthe is a public university that offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.
  • The Institut Supérieur de Sainte-Marthe is a private college that offers degrees in business, engineering, and law.

Notable people

The following is a list of notable people from Sainte-Marthe:

* [[Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]], naturalist and biologist
* [[Édouard Branly]], physicist and inventor
* [[Maurice Ravel]], composer
* [[André Breton]], poet and writer
* [[Georges Bataille]], philosopher and writer
* [[Jacques Derrida]], philosopher
* [[Jean-Luc Godard]], film director
* [[Bernard-Henri Lévy]], philosopher and writer
* [[Alain Finkielkraut]], philosopher and writer
* [[Patrick Modiano]], novelist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature


Q: What is the population of Sainte-Marthe?

A: The population of Sainte-Marthe is 1,200 people.

Q: What is the climate like in Sainte-Marthe?

A: The climate in Sainte-Marthe is temperate, with mild winters and warm summers.

Q: What are the main industries in Sainte-Marthe?

A: The main industries in Sainte-Marthe are agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing.

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