The Road to Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

Cambodia, we’re taking a bus now which is the big sellers in yet.

So, it’s about seven hours in the bus today today’s going to be mainly a transportation to. So goodbye to our friends our friends we met up with they’re all going to southern Cambodia. And when.

I went to Bangkok. So, we’re all going that’ll be good we get to meet new people along the way home sitting here for seven hours take some gravel. So she’ll get sleep soon Flores the dragon this is your typical bus stop pretty much anywhere in Asia when you take a bus they stop every three to five hours max.

And then they’ll bring you to little spots where you can get snacks. And food. So today.

I am gonna be eating some mr. noodle pretty much this was a dollar. So, we’ve been driving now for about two.

And a half three hours we are just about to cross the Vietnamese border. So, I’m starting to see stores like this one use the Vietnamese doll. So, it’s 20,000 Vietnamese dong to one US dollar 22,000 around to piece exactly but yep.

And their currencies hold the dog there now at the Vietnamese border. And we are getting ourselves stamped. So that we can cross our pieces are all done already.

And we shouldn’t get approval before crossing then we hop back on the bus. And off to Vietnam. And Ho Chi Minh City, it’s just after 6:00, it’s been as you’ve pretty much had the whole past ourselves, we’ve been able to get our own seats stirred his.

And hers into a minute got dropped off, it’s pretty hectic here there’s lots. And lots of bikes driving around like more than. I’ve ever seen before is our crosswalk.

So, I’m gonna find a way across somehow eventually. And we’ll look for a guesthouse. And get her phone setup met some backpackers on the side of the road.

And they recommended this place here Vietnam in, it’s a really tall building for six US dollars you get breakfast two beers. And one night stay. So we’ll go check it out they have their own crossing guard, I’m into this place we just arrived at our hostel this is a massive fossil, it’s like nine floors.

And there’s like a rooftop bar. And everything. So we got two free drink tickets.

So, we’re gonna go up to the rooftop bar pretty soon but I don’t know what’s the dealer’s but every hostel or like cheap hotel, we’ve been to uses Louis Vuitton sheets. I don’t know where they’re all getting there from now my head something tells me, it’s not real pretty stoked on that the GoPro.

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