I don’t know, it’s good ha ha ha yeah hello yes the GoPro Oh your gums wrong you’re gonna be on YouTube oh yeah me dude yeah oh, it’s a ambition Naz. So what is alright yeah we did a finger left.

So the guys. And I met a another Canadian this morning. And him.

And I are gonna be sharing this room, we’re gonna go explore the temple area. And, we’re renting these for $3 for the day we have a motorized bike the boys. So we are exploring bygone.

And these are some of the temples just all around the squad apparently there’s like thousands of these around here. So who knows we could spend days looking you can see another went off in the distance all of us are passing its temples from the 13th century to 800 years old yeah this is a rule of this body language that wasn’t this cool. So this is all 800 years old without any repair wow that’s.

So cool you can see the old line of the Buddha go first. And here again very first time very cool where do you go Oh up here go this way yeah okay my two ahead yes not all pianist Tony we just not sure if, we’re going this is scaring awesome huh oh my god it must have been smaller this is amazing oh my gosh. So cool this is really cool hey mom.

And pliva, it’s all good Wow holy oh that’s for Rama big fun fun drama this is. So cool. I know we are gonna go into this little hole y’all look at this look at this issue this is what, I’m talking about my house there’s hundreds of our oh my god.

I am really pushing this yeah mind you a head to. I can’t see Buddha’s reading you. I said Buddha’s reading you gonna fail that is one big buddha.

So we ventured off path of it. And we are now going through a little village in my admirer let it live hello yeah thank you hello. And this is our place, we’re staying at tonight yeah right guys just render one up a booger those over yes that little beach down there.

I just rented that out tonight Wow look at this damn. So we snuck into this resort here went swimming in the pool. And now, we’re gonna go check out this little river area down here goodbye five-star resort hello wilderness.

I think he’s offering to drive us. I don’t know day in the life the local fishermen showed us around on his boat the people are so nice here.

I’ve no idea what her soon he’s bringing us to a new boat can we help. So, we’ve now changed boats onto the big fishing boat, we’re gonna learn how to fish, we’re back thank you so much.

So we are just exploring the Mayan Mar market. And, it’s all locals here there’s zero to our food not seen anyone that is not my. And Mar rien no Burmese.

And you can see in the backdrop it looks like Disneyland it smells even worse than it looks there is. So many flies think, I’m gonna pass on fish for now, we’ve been walking in one direction for like 15 minutes. And we only just reached the end of the market but we got some food.

I’ve got like a huge lunch for a dollar. And now, we’re gonna head back to get our bikes check out my new purchase pretty content with it almost a dollar fifty. And they threw in the purple ribbon things are looking up.

So they’re playing volleyball with their feet taii sport apparently, it’s pretty big here whoa how does even move his leg like that dirty this is what coffee looks like in Mayan where, it’s really good, it’s kind of sweet like dude what is it. So the end of our day, we’re gonna head back bring your bikes back in. And do it again tomorrow he’s oh so.

I just found out this hat is not actually a hat. And that’s why everyone’s been laughing at me. I actually bought basically something to cover your food when you’re not eating it.

So the bugs don’t get at it. And then someone put a string through it for me. So I thought.

I was being sold a beautiful traditional my mr hat but looks like, I’m just a fool, I’m still gonna wear it though, it’s great.

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