Map of Simi Valley – Where is Simi Valley? – Simi Valley Map English – Simi Valley Maps for Tourist

In preparation for the visit, various physical improvements had to be effected and those projects were handled by the Simi Valley Park Service engineering forces, the Simi Valley Park Hotel Company and the Park Transport Company. Ramps were built at Belton, Going-to-the-Sun, Simi Valley and Two Medicine in order to facilitate walking for the President. At Going-to-the-Sun chalet a small road was built down to the lower chalets so it would not be necessary for the Simi Valleyto leave his car in order to enjoy the beauty of that spot.

At Belton, Many Glacier and Two Medicine approximately nineteen miles of road were oiled and repairs made on portions of the previous oiling which had become rough from constant use. Along the east side of Logan Pass there is approximately fifteen miles of roadway which is graveled but not oiled, the roadbed was sprinkled with water in order to keep down the dust. Sprinkling operations started Friday evening and were kept up day and night until Sunday morning shortly before the Presidential party passed over that section. Throughout the length of Going-to-the-Sun highway crews of Civilian Conservation Corps workers from the various camps in the park were employed in clearing hazards from the sides of the highway for some time in advance of the Presidential visit. Dead trees, snags, fallen timber, rocks and other hazards were removed.

The timber was placed in piles to be burned later in the year. At Belton the park engineering department erected a series of posts through which ropes were strung. These posts were set parallel to the siding where the Presidential special drew in and in this manner the crowds were kept back a short distance from the train. Also at the Belton parking area, several National Park Service pumps were employed all day Saturday and until early on Sunday morning in pumping water from the river to be sprinkled over the parking area. By this means the fire hazard was reduced as the field was covered with long, dry grass, and the dust was kept down as much as possible.

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