Copenhagen Map

Copenhagen Map And Best Copenhagen Cocktails For Your Travel

Blackthorn Cocktail Recipe

You will need for 1 glass:

4-5 Ice cubes 1 part sweet Italian

2-3 drops Angostura vermouth

bitters 3 parts gin

1 slice fresh lemon rind

1 Put the Ice cubes into a glass jug.

2 Put the bitters over the ice.

3 Pour in the vermouth and gin.

4 Stir vigorously, strain and pour into a chilled martini glass.

5 Twist the lemon rind over the drink, drop it in and serve.

Pendennis Cocktail Recipe

You will need fori glass:

4-5 Ice cubes 2-3 drops Peychaud

juice 1 fresh lime or or Angostura bitters lemon 1 part apricot brandy

3 parts gin

1 Put the Ice cubes into a glass jug.

2 Pour the fruit juice and the bitters over the ice.

3 Add the apricot brandy and gin.

4 Stir evenly, strain and pour into a chilled martini glass.

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